Thursday, October 25, 2007


During the month of November(beginning Nov. 8th), ALL STUDENTS are invited to attend the English course, unless they already possess a certificate, as mentioned in my previous messages.
We will be studying some less familiar forms of grammar, and I have provided a new link for you to download exercises for some basic practice (ENGLISH FILE 2).
If you have any problems with these forms, you are welcome to come to class and improve your English skills with my help.

Questions for texts entitled "Howard Bonnier" and "Line Dancing Oct. 25

Answers to these and other questions will be published next week.

0 Howard is French. a) RIGHT b) WRONG c) DOESN’T SAY
21 The Palace has been open for less than a year.
22 Lots of people in France know about Howard.
23 Howard’s parents took him out to restaurants.
24 Howard has always spent a lot of money of clothes.
25 Howard has written books about French cooking.
26 It costs a lot of money to eat in Howard’s restaurant.
27 Howard says cooking for a lot of people is easy.

0 a) have b) had c) having
28 a) all b) some c) every
29 a) say b) says c) saying
30 a) at b) to c) in
31 a) best b) better c) good
32 a) here b) there c) they
33 a) among b) across c) during
34 a) has b) is c) did
35 a) after b) ago c) since

Lesson 4: October 25th

Today’s lesson: We studied the difference between the simple present form and the present continuous form. For example, “I smoke” means that you have a bad habit in general. “I am smoking” means that you have a cigarette in your hand, it is lit (on fire) and you are using it NOW.
We also used the present continuous and the “going to” form to express future plans. For example, “I am meeting my friends tomorrow night” and “I am going to meet my friends tomorrow night” both mean that you plan to go somewhere with your friends late tomorrow.
We also studied the comparative form of adjectives, and adverbs of manner. We learned that we can add –ER to an adjective with one syllable to make a comparative, but if the word is two syllables or more, we have to put the word “MORE” before the adjective. Don’t forget that two-syllable words ending with Y need to be changed by taking away the Y and adding –IER. After that, all you need to remember is to add the word THAN and you can compare two things. Example: My English course is MORE INTERESTING THAN my math course.” While you use adjectives to describe a noun, you use adverbs to describe a verb, or the way you do something. Example: “I speak English fluently.” Most adverbs end with –LY.
If you want to practice these forms of grammar, click on LINKS: English File 1; Grammar Files and Practice, Files 8 and 9.
I also gave you some texts to read in class: they are only for the students who followed the course today. If you want a copy, then ask a classmate.
The questions and answers to the texts can be found in the message after this one (above).
THERE IS NO CLASS NEXT WEEK: See you on November 8th!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

First year, Third Lesson, Oct. 18th

Our third lesson was a kind of review - we practiced many of the forms we had studied before, this time in the same format that will be found on the final exam. We also practiced the past tense, and if you would like to practice you can download Grammar File 1 - Units 6 and 7 (see the link on the right side of this page).
In addition, you should study the Vocabulary in GROUP 2 (click on Vocabulary:look, listen and learn).
By the way, if you haven't seen the model test - click on TEST YOUR LEVEL. IT is just like the final exam!
See you next week!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Second lesson: WRITE AN ARTICLE, Oct. 11th

Our lesson from last week covered all of the grammar points from Grammar Files 4 and 5 (you can download the explanation from English File 1). In addition, you should study the first group of words on the 'vocabulary' link, and you must write a paragraph about your favorite day. Click on 'comments' and write them directly to me here on this blog. I am looking forward to reading them!

Monday, October 08, 2007

On-line tests and practice exams to download

Adesso si può fare un test di grammatica BASIC (devi cliccare su "On-line tests") oppure vedere un esempio dell'esame che dovrete fare alla fine del semestre (devi solo cliccare, salvare, e stampare l'esame. Le risposte sono allegate). Se hai risposto bene a PERLOMENO 75% delle domande...allora hai raggiunto il livello richiesto per il primo anno. Se hai un po' di difficoltà con l'esame, invece...dovresti venire a seguire il corso ogni giovedì alle 9.00. Fatemi sapere i vostri risultati!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

First Lesson, first year students, Oct. 4th

Thank you for your attention at the lesson today! Excellent work!
If you missed it, here's what we did:
1)spelling, pronunciation
2)present tense verb BE (affirmative, negative, interrogative, word order)
3)possessive adjectives
4)articles (a, an, the, this, that, these, those
5)present simple (all verbs, affirmative, negative, interrogative, word order)
6)possessive ('s)
7) vocabulary(family, work, irregular verbs)
Go to the links on the right side of this page.
click on English File 1 (IT WORKS!)
click on grammar files and practice.
download files, 1,2,3, and irregular verbs (ci vuole un po' di tempo - pazienza!)
(le risposte agli esercizi sono disponibile sulla stessa pagina: vedi "grammar check key"
Potete anche fare le altre cose più, pronunciation, ecc.
See you next week.